Meet Ivy!

Ivy is a Cherry alum who has also worked as a junior counselor at summer camp. For Ivy’s Bat Mitzvah project, she wants to give back. She is combining three of her passions — dance, young children and Cherry!  Ivy is hosting a Dance Marathon for her Bat Mitzvah project with a goal to raise $5,000 toward Cherry’s Scholarship Fund.

You can find more information on supporting her goals here:

Ivy’s mom Shaina shares, “When Ivy was a junior counselor this summer, we had many conversations about how important and special it is to have the type of education and nurturing Cherry provides.  We also talked about how it can be a financial barrier to participate for some families — and that it was a bit of a financial barrier for us at the time that Ivy was preschool age.  We let her know that she was able to attend Cherry because of the generosity of others that made the scholarship fund possible”

We are so thankful for friends like Ivy and her family who make Cherry such a kind and generous community.