Inherent in the mission of Cherry Preschool is a commitment to equity in all its forms. Above all, we strive to have our Cherry community reflect the diversity of the greater Evanston community.  We are happy to announce that Cherry Preschool has received a $2,000 grant from the Jain Family Foundation to create an equity library for our school.  With this generous donation Cherry will purchase books that better represent the full spectrum of diversity that we see in our school.

NAEYC maintains that exposing young learners to culturally responsive literature depicting their race, home culture, family structure, gender identity and personal ability helps them to feel accepted in their classroom as they form relationships with their teachers and peers.

We have a unique position to set the foundation for literacy throughout life by being a child’s first school experience.   Pre-literacy is taught in a text rich environment where books are central to the learning process. In addition, we hope as children leave our program, they will feel confident in their ability to celebrate and accept all differences in the people they will encounter.  We also hope they will feel empowered to stand up for the rights of others.

Below is a list of books for preschoolers you might consider adding to your family’s library. Moreover, we would love to hear about any books that you may have read with your children that you think would be a good addition to the Jain Equity and Diversity Library.

Diverse Books For Preschoolers

All People Are Beautiful by Vincent Kelly

We All Belong by Natalie Goss & Alex Goss

Angus All Aglow by Heather Smith

I Am Whole by Shola Oz

The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi

A Boy Like You by Frank Murphy

Under My Hijab by Hena Khan

Except When They Don’t by Laura Gehl

The Day You Begin by Jaqueline Woodson

Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder

Bein’ with You This Way by W. Nikola-Lisa

Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry

All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold

I Am Perfectly Designed by Karamo Brown

Are You a Boy or Are You A Girl by Sarah Savage

Sumi’s First Day of School Ever by Soyung Pak

We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom

Whoever You Are by Mem Fox

My Family,Your Family, Our Families by Emma Carlson Berne

Maddi’s Fridge by Lois Brandt

Last Stop On Market Street by Matt de la Peña

Danbi Leads The School Parade by Anna Kim

Just Ask! by Sonia Sotomayor